Fama & Raadgever (1993, 11/IIP)

History of the organ builders: 1963 Jaap Fama (1934-2001) and Piet Raadgever (1935-2023) founded their organ and harpsicord company in Utrecht. Before they were employed by Van Vulpen. They started in the former organ builders workshop of Van Dam (who worked with Maarschalkerweerd). In 1988 they moved their
shop to Maarssen. The building style of Fama & Raadgever was at that period the so called “Scandinavian” style. All together they built 104 new organs and 36 harpsicords. Besides this they restored 41 instruments and took care for approximately 200 pipe organs. In 1995 the partners went separate ways. Piet Raadgever continued up to 2005.

The organ that is now for sale was ordered in 1993 as a residence organ, during the construction period the client however died and the organ parts were stored and the instrument was not further completed until the Apostolic Mission Church in Haarlem purchased the organ in 19094. The composition was expanded and as far as possible adapted to the size of the auditorium. The inaugural concert was on Christmas Day 1994. After the dead of Piet Raadgever his former employee Wim van Dijkhuizen was responsible for the maintenance of the organ.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find any organists in the church community, for this reason it was decided to ask Van den Heuvel-Orgelbouw in Dordrecht to offer this beautiful organ for sale.


Download the brochure with detailed information.

For futher information:
Jan L. van den Heuvel – Orgelbouw bv
Amstelwijckweg 44
3316 BB Dordrecht
T: +31 78 6179540