Damwoude, Christian Reformed Sionskerk (23/II/P, 1977)

Damwoude, Christian Reformed Sionskerk (23/II/P, 1977) Michiel van 't Einde

Upon completion of the lovely Christian Reformed church in Damwoude, Van den Heuvel was commissioned to design an organ in accordance with the architecture of the church. The organ was inaugurated on December 9, 1977 with a concert by Ben van Oosten.

Additional Info

  • Aktivität: Neubau
  • Standort: Damwoude (NL)
  • Inbetriebname: Freitag, 09 Dezember 1977
  • Disposition:

    Hoofdwerk (I), C-g3
    Prestant 8'
    Roerfluit 8'
    Octaaf 4'
    Fluit 4'
    Quint 2 2/3'
    Octaaf 2'
    Mixtuur III-V
    Sesquialter II
    Trompet 8'

    Bovenwerk (II), C-g3
    Prestant 8'
    Holpijp 8'
    Gamba 8'
    Dwarsfluit 4'
    Blokfluit 4'
    Nasard 2 2/3'
    Flageolet 2'
    Terts 1 3/5'
    Nagthoorn 1'
    Vox Humana 8'
    Schalmey en Chamade 8'

    Pedaal, C-f1
    Subbas 16'
    Prestant 8'
    Fagot 16'



    Mechanical key and stop action.